Girls Day 2018

11. Mai 2018

A day as a robot whisperer

Our trainees – Corinna Böhner from the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Realschule Bayreuth, Isa-Maria Köppel from the Friedrich-von-Ellrodt-Hauptschule Neudrossenfeld and Anuschka Ponsold from the Graf-Münster-Gymnasium Bayreuth – went through three different stations in our company during Girls Day 2018 to get an insight into the world of the robot-whisperer.

Anuschka Ponsold, Isa-Maria Köppel, Corinna Böhner
Anuschka Ponsold, Isa-Maria Köppel, Corinna Böhner

In the field of electronics, Marcel Potzel was the godfather of the project. Patrick Hacker and Patrick Leykauf looked after the girls at two different stations in the field of mechatronics.

As an introduction to electronics, the girls were explained how individual components such as series resistor, light emitting diode, toggle switch, etc. work.

Afterwards, Marcel Potzel and the respective trainee considered what was needed to form a circuit using a traffic light circuit. Afterwards the circuit was built up by the girl on the laboratory pinboard and some measurements of voltage and resistors were made. The resistance determination was determined by color rings with the table book.

Furthermore, the girls received explanations of some components on a controller board such as relays, diode micro controllers, integrated circuits, transistors etc. The trainees were also able to get to know a stepper motor and its individual components in this area.

Insights for the girls into mechatronics

Insights for the girls into mechatronics Patrick Hacker in the field of mechatronics explained the structure of a wrist and a robot arm (here a Stäubli RX60) to the respective girl, which individual components are located in them, where they are and what they are responsible for. As a practical example, the trainee was then allowed to lend a hand and insert seals in the shoulder and carry out the leak test for it. Afterwards the girl built a wrist together with the godfather on a test stand and carried out a test run here. Here it was explained in detail how an intact wrist sounds, how it should "run" and what special features may arise during the test run.

At the second station in the mechatronics department of Patrick Leykauf, the trainees independently dismantled and revised pneumatic valves of a Stäubli RX60 under the supervision of the patent. Afterwards, the respective girl and the godfather went to our test field to try out how a robot, in this case a Stäubli TX60, can be brought into the "test run". The girl was allowed to control and operate this robot independently, but under the supervision of the godfather, in a test run.

We would like to thank Corinna, Isa and Anuschka for the great Girls Day 2018 and your interest in the work of the "robot whisperer"!